Assalamualaikum Sheikh!
Pertama sekali, kau tak handsome macam aku. Tapi banyak duit, sebab tu ramai awek kau boleh petik dengan senang.
Kedua, tiada pemain bola sepak bernilai 100 million pound sterling. Kaka yang tere men bola sepak pon tak bernilai sebanyak tu. Banyak lagi benda mulia kau boleh buat dengan duit tu.
Contoh terbaik, depositkan duit tu dalam akaun Maybank aku.
Ketiga, Kaka pon lagi handsome dari kau. Afiq>Kaka>Sheikh Mansour
Sekian, terima kasih.
An Open Letter to Sheikh Mansour, owner of Manchester City
Assalamualaikum Sheikh!
First and foremost, you're not as handsome as me. But due to your astronomical amount of money and assets, you seem to be much more prolific at attracting the attention of all chickas in the world.
Secondly, no player is worth 100 million pounds. Not even Kaka. There are more thoughtful ideas of spending such amount of money.
The best example is depositing your money into my Maybank account.
Thirdly, Kaka is much more handsome than you. Afiq>Kaka>Mansour.
That's all, thank you.
Membaca Manusia
1 month ago
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